OPERATIVES of the Bureau of Customs – Manila International Container Port (BOC-MICP), in coordination with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), successfully intercepted a shipment from Thailand suspected to contain illegal drugs.
The contraband was declared as household items, shoes, and motor parts.
Prior to the seizure, the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS) – MICP requested verification of the shipment, which was immediately approved by the MICP district collector.
On May 6, 2024, the shipment underwent baggage x-ray scanning.
Preliminary findings from the initial small baggage x-ray scanning revealed various concealed items in boxes containing electric fans and water heaters.
Following the initial inspection, physical examination, and PDEA field testing using a RIGAKU Raman chemical analyzer, customs agents uncovered 8.294 kilos of shabu, with an estimated value of P56.399 million.
The illegal substance was concealed in plastic pouches hidden inside two boxes containing electric fans and five boxes of water heaters.
PDEA said the seized shipment shall be subjected to seizure and forfeiture proceedings for violation of Sections 118 (g), 119 (d), and 1113 par. f, I, and l (3 and 4) of R.A. No. 10863, or the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA), in relation to Section 4 of R.A. No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
Likewise, the case will be referred to the Bureau Action Team Against Smuggling (BATAS) for immediate case build up and prosecution of personalities involved in the foiled smuggling attempt of illegal drugs.
Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio praised the prompt response of the men and women of the BOC-MICP under the leadership of district collector Carmelita M. Talusan, CIIS-MICP and the Intelligence Group.
“Your efforts in upholding your duties stand as the core of the success of this operation, effectively showcasing your utmost dedication in safeguarding the health and welfare of the Filipino people from harmful effects of illegal drugs not only to abusive users but the whole society as well,” Rubio said.